How to Report Bugs

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ello Everyone,

To ensure that our community and server run smoothly, it’s essential to identify and address any bugs that may arise. Whether you encounter a bug on the website or within the server, your reports are crucial to helping us resolve these issues promptly.

Guidelines for Reporting Bugs​

  1. Prefix Your Post:
    • Please use the appropriate prefix to indicate if your bug report is for the Website or the Server. This will help us categorize and address your reports more efficiently.
  2. One Bug Per Post:
    • To make tracking easier, please limit each post to one bug report. If you encounter multiple bugs, create separate posts for each one.
  3. Be Detailed and Specific:
    • Provide a detailed description of the bug, including any relevant links, screenshots, or steps to reproduce the issue. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for us to understand and fix the problem.
  4. Use Tags:
    • Moderators and admins will use tags to update the status of your bug report. You will see tags such as:
      • Cannot Reproduce: We couldn't replicate the issue based on the provided information.
      • Awaiting Feedback: We need more information to proceed.
      • Confirmed: The bug has been acknowledged and is being investigated.
      • Fixed: The bug has been resolved.
      • Duplicate: The issue has already been reported.
      • Not a Bug: The reported issue is not considered a bug.

How to Report a Bug​

  1. Create a New Thread:
    • Go to the Bug Reports forum and click on "Create Thread."
  2. Add a Prefix:
    • Select the appropriate prefix ([Website] or [Server]) for your bug report.
  3. Write Your Bug Report:
    • Provide a detailed description of the bug. Include any relevant links, screenshots, or steps to reproduce the issue.
  4. Submit Your Post:
    • Once you've written your bug report, click "Submit." Our team will review and respond to your post as soon as possible.

Example Bug Report​

Title: [Server] Players Unable to Use /spawn Command

Description:Whenever players try to use the /spawn command, they receive an error message stating, "Command not recognized." This issue started after the latest server update on [date]. Below are the steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Log in to the server.
  2. Type /spawn in the chat.
  3. Observe the error message.
Additional Information:

  • Server version: 1.21
  • Plugins installed: EssentialsX, Multiverse, etc.
  • Screenshot: [attach screenshot]
Thank you for your help in identifying and reporting bugs. Your efforts are crucial to maintaining a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone in the Brothers of Chaos community.

Best regards,

The Brothers of Chaos Community Team
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